Seddik Bacha gives keynote address at PCIM Europe 2021
on HVDC grid challenges, locks and opportunities
on HVDC grid challenges, locks and opportunities
Seddik Bacha, our Supergrid Architecture & Systems research programme Scientific Director and Scientific Committee Chair, is giving a keynote address on HVDC grid challenges, locks and opportunities at the PCIM Europe conference on the 6th of May. Focusing on the important role that power electronics will play in the future transmission system, Seddik will discuss the main drivers for developing an HVDC network along with the inherent technological barriers that this presents and will propose selected opportunities and solutions for further investigation – subjects that are at the heart of our research at SuperGrid Institute.

In light of the ever-growing quantity of renewable energy being integrated into the grid, energy experts agree that the current transmission system will need to be adapted to meet the demand of these new energy sources. There are two main visions of how to advance; enhancing the existing HV AC grid or building a new HVDC grid in parallel to the existing one. Either way, power electronics will play a critical role in the development and operation of the future power grid.
Power electronics devices make it possible to control energy flow through optimal pathways, to interconnect non-synchronised areas, to transfer energy via long distances and create large subsea interconnections. However, these same devices may affect grid stability and protection. In his keynote speech, Seddik will discuss the possible impact that power electronics may have on grid operation and will present the PCIM community with various solutions and possibilities for enhancing current grid performance through the use of power electronics.
The PCIM Europe conference is the perfect place for members of the electrical engineering community to further their knowledge of HVDC systems and applications. This year’s conference will take place online so you can tune in from anywhere!
Seddik’s address will be in Room: Stream 5, on Thursday the 6th of May 2021, from 11:50 to 12:30.
Seddik Bacha biography
Seddik Bacha received his Diploma of Electrical Engineering and Masters Degree from the Ecole Nationale Polytechnique of Algiers, Algeria, in 1982 and 1990 respectively. After 8 years of teaching at the Ecole Nationale Polytechnique and Abderahmane Mira University (Bejaia-Bgayet, Algeria), he joined the Grenoble Electrical Engineering Laboratory in 1990 where he received his PhD and “Habilitation à Diriger de Recherche” Diploma from the Grenoble National Institute of Technology in 1993 and 1998 respectively. He is currently a full professor at the Grenoble Alpes University, in charge of electric engineering, power electronics, mathematics and control lectures for various undergraduate courses. His main research interests are modeling, control and simulation of energy systems and supergrids/microgrids. In this field, he had supervised more than 50 PhD defended thesis, published one book related to power electronics modeling and control and another one on electric vehicle to grid management issues. He has published nearly 450 journal and conference papers in his area of expertise. He was the Power System Group Manager (around 70 people) within the G2Elab Laboratory from 2000 to 2012 and Deputy Director of the National Group GDR SEEDS from 2012 to the end of 2017. Currently he is Supergrid Architecture & Systems research programme Scientific Director at SuperGrid Institute in Lyon and Chairman of its Scientific Committee.