Demonstration of Non-selective strategies
for Meshed HVDC networks
for Meshed HVDC networks

Thank you to all those who attended our webinar “HVDC Grid Protection System Demonstration: Interoperability, Primary and Back-up Protection in Non-Selective Strategies” on the 3rd of September. This webinar was the final step of our contribution to work package 9 of the PROMOTioN project “Demonstration of DC grid protection”.
We were able to show the high performance of the algorithms we developed within the project via 2 different real-time protection strategies. Both strategies were based on IEC 61850 communication standards.
The demonstration addressed the following topics:
- Generating a short-circuit on the line
- Detecting the defect
- Protecting the assets
- Opening all the lines
- Restarting all lines except the defective one
If you missed the webinar, you can watch the video below and download the documents presented during the presentation in PDF format.
For any additional information, please contact Laurent Chedot : laurent.chedot@supergrid-institute.com