[Webinar] HVDC Grid Protection System Demonstration:
Interoperability, Primary and Back-up Protection
in Non-Selective Strategies
Interoperability, Primary and Back-up Protection
in Non-Selective Strategies
It is our pleasure to invite you to our online HVDC grid protection system demonstration the 3rd of September, where we will present our work as part of Work Package 9 in the ‘Progress On Meshed HVDC Offshore Transmission Networks’ (PROMOTioN) project! After this extremely enriching collaboration, this demonstration represents the final step of our contribution to this work package of this European project. It comes just a few months after, as T9.7 task leader, our technical publication on Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) real-time simulation methods for non-selective fault clearing strategies. Join us for this webinar for an insight into fault clearing strategies for HVDC networks, including a description of how we built our HIL demonstrator and a virtual demonstration of HVDC protection systems using several cable fault scenarios.
The objective of PROMOTioN’s Work Package 9 is to demonstrate the operation of DC grid fault clearing strategies developed during the project using Hardware-in-the-Loop real-time methods. In the publication entitled “D9.5 – Hardware-in-the-loop test environment and guidelines for demonstrating non-selective fault clearing strategies for meshed HVDC grids”, we presented the HVDC benchmark network model, the HIL setup components and the protection strategy validation plan proposed to use this demonstrator.
We are excited to demonstrate these real-time simulation strategies on the 3rd of September, during a webinar session presented by our HIL experts. They will explore the different protection strategies highlighted during the demonstrations and present the test setup including its two benchmark grids. Finally, they will explain the two real-time demonstrations carried out for this project.
The objectives of the Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) real-time demonstration are different for each benchmark grid:
- The first one is built around the converter breaker strategy developed by SuperGrid Institute and focuses on controllers and communication. Protection relays, Station Supervisors and Central Supervisor are implemented in Raspberry PI based controllers and communicate themselves and with the real-time simulation target through the protocol IEC 61850. In total, 16 controllers are operated. The demonstration will show the ability to communicate and the robustness of the algorithms against an industrial communication protocol;
- The second one is built around the full-bridge MMC based strategy developed by our colleagues from RWTH University in Aachen. In this case, in addition to the validation of this strategy based on the intrinsic capacity of full-bridge MMC, we want to focus on the elaboration of the real-time HIL simulation. Full-bridge MMC model and control, grid and protection relays algorithms were done, implemented and tested in offline simulation by RWTH. We adapted this simulation to run in real-time, implementing all protection relay algorithms in Raspberry PI by analysing RWTH Simulink models and configured and implemented all communications, always based on IEC 61850.
You can find more on the technical details here (.pdf 0.7MB)
This demonstration is the most significant project we have completed to date in our real-time simulation platform. It demonstrates SuperGrid Institute’s ability to validate different complex algorithms, developed internally or by external partners, in real-time. We are very proud to have been part of this Work Package for the PROMOTioN project and have contributed with our vision to the construction of the future energy transmission network.
3rd of September 2020 – 10:00 to 12:00