SuperGrid Institute demonstrates the partial discharge behaviour
of SF6 subtitute gases which can be used in the future HVDC GIS
as part of the PROMOTioN project
of SF6 subtitute gases which can be used in the future HVDC GIS
as part of the PROMOTioN project

The search for a viable substitute for the SF6 gas used in electrical equipment is one of SuperGrid Institute’s main actions in its work for energy transition. As part of the European project PROMOTioN’s Workpakage (WP) 15 , we are working under ABB’s lead to investigate the performance of HVDC GIS. A demonstration of the performance of HVDC GIS (WP15) and HVDC breaker (WP10), organized by PROMOTioN took place on the 27th of February 2020 in Arnhem, The Netherlands. This meeting provided an opportunity for our engineers to present the progress we have made on the study of SF6 substitute gases.
During its presentation, SuperGrid Institute demonstrated the difference between the partial discharge characteristics seen in SF6 gas in comparison with substitution gases such as the “fluoronitrile – CO2” and “fluoroketone – air” mixtures. The performance of the different partial discharge measurement systems of these gases was also evaluated. To conclude its presentation, SuperGrid Institute confirmed that the partial discharge characteristics of SF6 gas and substitution gases could present some differences but their general behaviour is comparable.
Our Institute will be able to develop an effective partial discharge monitoring system for the future SF6 free high voltage equipment.