SGI participation to European Power Electronics Conference (ECCE Europe, EPE2016)

EPE ECCE Europe is the largest conference on power electronics and its applications. SuperGrid Institute targeted this conference to enlighten its research and results for HVDC, MTDC and grid related subjects.
After the outstanding paper award obtained by Jose MANEIRO at the 2015 conference, Four (4) papers have been accepted for publication in the next EPE conference which will be held in Karlsruhe (Germany) – 5th to 9th September 2016. Two papers are dealing with the Modular Multi Level converter and its controls, an inner control concerning the capacitors voltage balancing and the outer one dedicated to the MMC energy management. The paper corresponding to an offshore wind farm is a technical and economic assessment of two different grid voltage levels. The last paper is focusing on the Double Fed Induction Generator stability. These original contributions are focused on actual issues regarding the future HVDC Grid with a large scale of renewable energy integration.
As additional information, SuperGrid institute is also involved with members in international steering committee and the executive council.